South park is most epic TV show. Everyone loves their humor. Kenny McCormick dies in almost every episode. Here are his deaths in 1st season:
"Cartman Gets an Anal Probe"- Blasted by an alien space ship, trampled by a herd of cattle, then run
over by Officer Barbrady's police cruiser. (Kenny was still alive after
being shot and trampled, it was Barbrady who delivered the killing
blow.) His body gets whacked by Stan and he gets his head pulled off by
Kyle. His body is then eaten by rats. After Kenny's body is eaten, Kyle
says "Rats." In the unaired version of the episode, Kenny shows up
alive at the end of the episode, after Kyle says that they are running
out of friends.
"Weight Gain 4000"- Crushed in the school play by the Native American Hut. Most
likely he "died" in the play. The next reply was from the Mayor, "Oh my
God.." but the rest of the saying wasn't said. Shot by Mr. Garrison when trying to shoot Kathie Lee Gifford,
which launches him into the air and is impaled on a flag pole. Both "Oh
my God, they killed Kenny!" and "You bastards!" are said entirely by
Kyle in this episode, as Stan is not present at the time.
"Volcano"- Crushed by a large volcanic bomb ejected from the volcano. Kyle says the
"Oh my God! They killed Kenny!" line in this episode, but Kenny comes
out from behind the volcanic bomb and says he's okay, only for his arm
to catch fire and the volcanic bomb to apparently roll over him; is
later seen alive after the lava travels through the trench, only to be
shot by Ned when he drops his gun on the ground. The "You bastards!"
line is not said at any point in this episode.
"Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride" - Arms ripped off by two Middle Park Cowboy players before a third tackles
him, decapitating him in the process. The "Oh my God! They killed
Kenny!" line is said by Kyle in this episode.
"An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig"- Knocked into a microwave oven with a chair and cooked by a mutant clone
of Stan. Kyle says the "Oh my God! They killed Kenny!" line to the
mutant clone, and then he screams "You bastard!" at the microwave.
"Death"- Touched by Death. Kyle says "Oh my God! They killed Kenny!" "You Bastards!", in this episode.
"Pinkeye"- Crushed by the MIR Space Station at the beginning of the episode. Revived as a zombie via Worcestershire sauce embalming.Cut in half with a chainsaw by Kyle to end the zombie curse.
The "Oh my God, they killed Kenny!" line is said by Kyle, though "they"
is changed to "I", reflecting the fact that it is he who kills Kenny
this time. Kyle says to himself "You bastard!" when he should've said
"I'm a bastard!". This is the same episode where Stan says the line as
usual (when the Mir space station crashes upon him earlier in the
episode) making this the only time both Stan and Kyle have said the line
in the same episode. Sometimes the line is cut.
Rises from his grave again at the end of the episode, but is
immediately crushed by a falling angel statue and then by a crashing
airplane. Stan and Kyle are not there to say their usual lines, as they
had left with Cartman to enjoy their Halloween candy. If killing a
zombie counts as "death", this would make "Pinkeye" the most fatal of all of Kenny's episodes, until the record was equaled in the season 14 episode "Coon vs. Coon and Friends".
"Damien"- Turned into a duckbilled platypus by Damien and then shot by Jimbo after Jesus and Satan's match.
"Starvin' Marvin"- Attacked by mutant turkeys; loses an eye in the attack.
"Tom's Rhinoplasty"- Pierced by an Iraqi sword carelessly swung by Ms. Ellen. Stan then exclaims "Oh my God! She killed Kenny!"
"Mecha-Streisand" - While Mecha-Streisand is wrecking the town, Kenny dodges several things
that would be the perfect cause for his death. Instead, it comes when he
finds himself in a playground and begins to play tetherball with
himself. He is tied to the pole and asphyxiated.
"Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut"- Dragged onto train tracks by a go kart and crushed by a train. Later, a video of the incident is shown on America's Stupidest Home Videos. Stan: "Oh my God! They videotaped killing Kenny!" Kyle: "You bastards!" Note that Kenny appears again out of thin air in "Cartman's Mom is Still a Dirty Slut", only to be fatally electrocuted.